ANAST The service is responsible for coordinating the EU project IMPROVE.
The main objective of this project is to develop three new families of vessels via an integrated environment for decision support and multi-criteria analysis. To do this, we use from the early stages of ship design, advanced tools for calculation and analysis of these vessels. It is thus proposed innovations in the following areas: structure, production, operation, performance and safety.
The products covered by this project are, first, new generation of large LNG (LNG) and chemical tankers and, secondly, a new concept of Ro-PAX.
The specific objectives are:
- Develop new concepts of boats more efficient in using mathematical models of multi-criteria optimization
- Improve and use, from the preliminary project, models of rational calculation of the ship (payload, cost of production, costs of maintenance and operations, availability, security, reliability and robustness of the structure of vessels involved)
- Use tools and repackage traditional multi-criteria analysis for ship design and integrate them into a tool for decision taking into account aspects of production and exploitation.
The objectives will be achieved by clearly identifying the proposed new concepts and expectations of different actors involved in creating the problem and the definition of the model for the synthesis of design and analysis (WP2), identifying the modules load calculations and their response (WP3), assessing the production and operational aspects (WP4), integrating the models identified in WPs above, using the IMPROVE integrated platform for the design of three new products (WP6-8), and by performing the operations and dissemination of project results, and coordination that accompanies (WP9).
The consortium consists of 17 complementary partners: 3 owners, 3 yards, 4 universities, 2 engineering companies, 2 companies to design ships, 2 computer companies, a classification society and an international association of universities.
Further information on the IMPROVE project are available on the project website