This research involves the improvement of software planks LBR-5 stiffened by implementing a module cost of construction, operation and maintenance, new structural elements of a module element analysis finished and shape optimization. Four partners are involved in this project:

  • ANAST: Naval Architecture and analysis of transportation systems - University of Liège - Belgium
  • ASMA: Department of Aerospace, Mechanical and Materials - University of Liège - Belgium
  • ROGP: Department of Operations Research and Production Management - University of Liège - Belgium
  • SCM: Continuous Service Environments - Université Libre de Bruxelles - Belgium

This project aims to:

  1. Integrate cost parameters related to the costs of operating, servicing and maintenance.
  2. Integrating technological factors of production (manufacturing) in the objective function cost.
  3. Expanding technological capabilities of LBR-5 software for orthotropic structures.
  4. Allow simultaneous optimization of multiple and coupled parts of the overall structure analyzed by the finite element method.
  5. Studies and perspectives for the industrial exploitation of research results.

ANAST coordinating the project and participate in tasks 2, 3 and 5. 

Target: Improving software project before the ship structures and water through a module for optimizing cost.

Duration: 3 years



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