MIAM is an application that enables integration and interoperability of the various models required for mobility management. This allows communication between models, allowing them to lighten their database. Proper management of these being supported by Miami. The models will therefore revolve around Miami as true planets around the solar system. The models still keep their full autonomy and preserve the confidentiality of their data. Miami is also multilayered. The aspect of 'sharing' is the basis of MIAM (first layer). Complimenting overlay tools of decision aids, information servers and clients GIS system for development and study of scenarios. Miami is a comprehensive tool for managing mobility because he orchestrated the best existing models of their domains. The realization of the model MIAM can be regarded as the central core in the realization of any future PDU.

Ongoing development in the transport section ANAST, University of Liege.


Figure 1 : Application du modèle MIAM

Figure 1 : Application of MIAM model


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