A consortium consisting of 39 partners from the industrial and scientific community has come together in a project named JOULES Joint Operation for Ultra Low Emission Shipping, which aims to significantly reduce emissions from ships. The project is funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme (Grant Agreement No. 605190) and is coordinated by Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft. The project started on June 1st 2013 and will have a duration of four years.
The JOULES project will focus on the integration of energy saving technologies in the early design stage, using advanced simulation models to be developed for the energy grid of the ship. The optimum combination of energy consumers incl. energy recovery systems is expected to significantly improve the vessel´s overall energy efficiency. Technology providers, modeling experts and yard partners will work closely together to produce, in total, eleven application cases in five application areas (Ferry, Cruise Ships, Work Boats, Offshore Vessels and Cargo Vessels). ...